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Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 02, 2021 10:55AM
Janga gave birth to nine pups on 31st December 2020. There are seven female pups and two male pups.
Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 02, 2021 11:18AM
Here they are on day one on 1st January.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 02, 2021 11:19AM
And here they are on day two - January 2nd.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 02, 2021 11:27AM
You will be surprised how quickly puppies of this age grow. Just as a matter of interest here is a picture of a female puppy at the age of 8 weeks. This is Saskia. She was born to Elfie on 1st November and the photo was taken on 29th December. Elfie was also mated to Veneze Toro so the puppies in Janga's litter will almost certainly look similar to this at about eight weeks. Saskia weighed 8 kg when the photo was taken which is typically what a pup will weigh at about eight weeks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2021 05:14PM by davidterry.
Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 04, 2021 12:12PM
Here they are on day 4 - Jan 4th.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 09, 2021 10:22AM
There still isn't much to see because they haven't opened their eyes yet but here they are on day 9. Their is starting to develop and although they are on the same heat pad as the first picture you can see that they now occupy all of it (so I have added another which they can expand into).

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 12, 2021 11:08AM
Here they are on day 12. Their eyes are just starting to open now.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 14, 2021 06:41PM
And here on day 14. They do spend most of their time sleeping but when they are awake they do now walk quite quickly when they want.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 19, 2021 05:59PM
As you can see, their eyes are open now. This is one of the male pups (sitting on another pup) on day 19.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 19, 2021 06:01PM
And these are three random female puppies. Because they are now more active it is more difficult to take a picture of all the pups together unless they are all asleep at the same time.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 20, 2021 11:00AM
Two female puppies on day 20.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 24, 2021 10:25AM
Now that their eyes are open and they are walking about it is more difficult to get them to keep still for a photo. Here are two on day 24.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 28, 2021 11:06AM
Here is one of the male pups and a random female pup on day 28. The female pup is the slightly smaller pup on the right. Male pups are always bigger and the differential increases as they get older.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2021 11:07AM by davidterry.
Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
January 31, 2021 10:28AM
They can at least all be fitted into one photo when they are asleep. Here they are on day 31.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 02, 2021 11:02AM
One puppy in pensive mood on day 32.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 04, 2021 11:47AM
First pup with ears up at day 35. He is a bit messy because he has just been eating and they all eat very messily at this age. This is one of the two male pups.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2021 07:09PM by davidterry.
Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 05, 2021 07:09PM
One female pup on day 36.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 11, 2021 07:18PM
This is Saskia watching two of the pups wrestle at six weeks old. Saskia is by the same sire, Veneze Toro, but she is now 14 weeks old compared to the two pups in the foreground at 6 weeks today.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 17, 2021 06:49PM
Two female pups taken on day 48.

Re: Janga's litter by Veneze Toro born on 31st December 2020
February 19, 2021 10:32AM
Here they all are on day 50. There was a similar photo on day 31 above from which you can see how much they have grown.

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